Spirit Dog

Sabre.cuteSpirit Dog & Spirit Animals

24 hours ago I was in the presence of #wolfdog named Sabre. Within seconds of meeting him I was bleeding. Then I sat on a bench to be on his level, told him him not to jump on me. He didn’t after that.

24 hours ago Sabee, as Norm and I called him, was resting his head on my leg. 24 hours ago my arm hugged him around the neck, my fingers scratched him behind his ears and my hands rubbed Sabee on the neck.

Sabe did nothing wrong during the short time he spent with us.

It was the drive to our home that concerned us. He never sat down during the entire time he rode in van. He kept his nose in cold breeze of the air conditioner leaving the condensed fog of his breathe hanging in the air. We really liked him. Sabre pushed himself against us and we petted him. I wondered: “What do I think when I am doing something new.”

Like I said it was the drive to our home that concerned us. A goose flew into the front of our truck right above the windshield. It was loud, scary, and seemed like a head-slap. When a goose crosses your path with this type of distinct determination, ask yourself: Are  you living another’s life?  A relationship with a wolfdog is one of negotiation, not dominance and submission. Were we trying to live Sabre’s life?

Sabee did nothing wrong. He tore up a cardboard, he carried my underwear and shirt around (he didn’t eat them), and he slept peacefully in crate right next to me.

What Norm and I knew is that we cannot change our home life enough or at least not it fast enough to be his forever pack. And still, we liked him.

Spirit Dog came to us for a very short while. In those few hours he changed us. Since then we have spoken mostly of Sabe. Norm says Spirt Dog came to us because only he could teach us what we needed to learn He says #SpiritDog completed his task quickly and now his job with us is done. And we both cried.

1IMG_4417 david and Sabre 2!

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